Cambridge Academies is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation (Tax ID 36-4548494) founded in 2004 to create a positive difference in the lives of individuals who desire a better future. We strive to facilitate educational, economic, social, ethnic and racial equity.
Our Enterprise Centers specialize in life transformation programs for distressed, homeless and/or previously incarcerated individuals as well as in high school equivalency certification and workforce development programs for agricultural and displaced workers, and for ethnic minorities.
We serve our clients in partnership with other non-profit organizations, volunteers, churches, businesses and government agencies.
Your donations help us cover expenses for our clients in need of a hand up.

Enterprise RESTART
Life transformation and job advancement are possible!
Enterprise RESTART is a life transformation and job preparation program that, through classwork and practical application, focuses on developing essential personal and job attainment/advancement skills. Essential life and employment skills include:
Literacy skills and high school certification
Goal setting and attainment
Productive thinking, positive attitudes and personal responsibility
Work ethic and performance mindset
Life skills and workplace competencies
Communication and conflict resolution

Enterprise RESTART
Homeless & Previously Incarcerated Transformation Model
The Enterprise RESTART homeless transformation and workforce development model is currently operated at SIERRA House, a men's transitional living program in Riverbank, CA and at NAOMI's HOUSE a transitional living home for homeless women and children in Patterson.
This 6- to 8-month residential program for homeless and previously incarcerated individuals positively impacts and transforms their lives in such a way that upon graduation from the program they obtain employment, enroll in school or specialized training or join the military.
Results from 8 cohorts of Enterprise RESTART classes for homeless individuals:
70% success rate
Enterprise MIGRANT
Enterprise Migrant HEP (High School Equivalency Program) is a federally-funded program to serve agricultural workers and their families in different regions and states by facilitating high school equivalency classes in English and Spanish for qualifying participants.
We are pleased to report that in July 2021 our five-year grant was renewed for another 5 years allowing us to serve 54 adult students per year.
Our students' hard work and the unwavering dedication of our staff resulted in 84% of participants attaining their high school certificates, thus exceeding our federal graduation targets of 69% per year.